Almost all stocks have risen with the market's recent advance. I'm only bleeding on a few short positions and my ownership of Smart Balance. A few covered calls have been taken away and several others are hovering around the strike price, but that's OK.
Crusty is feeling happy as the market and my net worth has rebounded.
But, that feeling of elation is starting to feel a bit tentative. There is quite a consensus regarding QE2, a weaker dollar, and the attraction of commodities and equities during a period of money printing. While I suspect there isn't a ten percent correction coming between now and year end, who really knows? A Democrat victory, a European melt down, or deteriorating numbers from the emerging markets, and a host of other possibilities, could cause serious problems. Celebrate, but remain wary.
Some recent purchases are INSU, the sewer replacement company, SHAW, the engineering nuclear giant, and CLD, a BHP Biliton North American coal spin-off. All have turned in good earnings performances of late, look solid going forward, and have been creamed by the market.
Time to walk the dog. It's finally turned cold in Nebraska and I can't delay any longer as she is staring at me with some extreme urgency. So no more stock talk, out the door I go.